Firstly, it's my intention to make this year as great as possible for my clients, with a much more dedicated service to each of you. I'm very aware that I often take on far more than I can often handle, so after the first quarter when all existing projects are closed, I'll be doing a little restructuring.
This change will mean taking either less projects at any one time, or hiring additional staff to handle the workload. Either way, you'll receive a far greater experience. I'm currently training up some new web-monkeys to help with my bidding, and I'll let you know how this pans out.
Another important change is further upgrades to the hosting. This will be done with no disruption to your existing services and is necessary just to ensure your hosting needs are covered and you're always receiving the best quality hosting service.
The hosting change will also allow the flexibility to allow "temporary hosting upgrades". At the moment, and the way most hosting companies work, if you were to exceed your bandwidth in any given month, you'll need to upgrade to a higher package, permanently. The way I have planned allows you to exceed your limits, but only on a temporary basis and only for one or two months in the year, since some clients have huge volumes of traffic at certain points of the year, and far less at other times.
There will be many more changes coming your way, and I'll update you on these another time.
Thanks again for choosing for your multimedia needs. I look forward to working with you all closely again soon.
Mittwoch, Februar 1, 2017
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